Where do you get your Energy for a speech?
I normally get it from three places – Content, Stage and Audience.
If my content has something that I feel should be expressed with HIGH energy then I use HIGH energy in my expressions, voice and gestures.
eg: “Hold on to your beliefs and your dreams will come true!”
If my physical stage encourages me to make my speech bigger in feeling.
eg: Do you feel the BIGness of a speech change when you are on a 5m stage compared to a 15m stage?
If my audience is silent then maybe there are two reasons.
- One they are listening intently and reflecting
- Two they are lost and in a different world
I need to increase energy if they are lost and get them into the speech
If my audience is NOT silent then
- One they are chuckling or laughing and having a good time
- Two they are booing and want me off the stage
I need to take corrective action to change the booers into believers
My online audience is on MUTE. They are silent both ways!!
The content is still the same if it is a prepared speech.
If it is standup comedy, you may change it based on audience feedback.
When the stage is virtual, I am romancing the web camera.
- I look 1cm to the right of the web camera for the audience to my right
- I look 1cm to the left of the web camera for the audience to my left
- I look 1cm to the top of the web camera if I am looking for godly inspiration
- I look 1cm to the bottom of the web camera if I am looking down in sadness
My neck is training in a range of 1cm micro movements to keep my focus with the online audience.
It is difficult to feel the energy from a muted online audience.
It is possible to look at encouraging and nodding faces but you don’t always get it because you are looking at the web camera.
The energy has to come from within.
The energy has to be imagined and increased and decreased on cue.
I love the Energy from the physical audience. My speech takes on new levels with a physical audience.
I am learning to love the Online audience. The Energy is locked away with the online audience. It is my responsibility to take my speech to new levels to get the attention of an online audience.
Where you do get your energy for your speeches?