7-day Speaking Challenge – KIDS SPECIAL

Photo by Rica Naypa

Unlock Your Child’s Confidence in Just 7 Days!

Welcome to the 7-Day Speaking Challenge – KIDS SPECIAL, where we transform young minds into confident speakers! This challenge is designed to help your child practice speaking in a fun, supportive environment.

How It Works

1. Sign Up & Get Started:

  • Parents, simply sign up your child for the challenge by providing your email. It’s quick and easy, and you’ll receive all the details right in your inbox.

2. Daily Speech Practice:

  • Every day for 7 days, your child will record a short speech on a fun topic provided by us. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the topics are engaging and age-appropriate.
  • With your help, your child will upload their speech video to a private Teams channel. It’s a great way for them to practice speaking and using technology in a safe space!
  • Each speech should be from 1 to 2 minutes long. The time investment per speech is 15 to 30 minutes per day.

3. A Virtual Speaking Partner:

  • Your child will be paired with another child in the challenge. This virtual partner encourages them to stay motivated and makes the experience more interactive!
  • Throughout the week, your child and their virtual partner will be able to watch each other’s videos. This allows them to learn from one another and see their own progress in comparison to their peer.

4. Final Speech & Certificate:

  • At the end of the 7 days, your child will have a special Teams call where they’ll give a final speech with their virtual partner watching and listening. This is their chance to showcase everything they’ve learned and boost their confidence further!
  • After completing the challenge, your child will receive a certificate of achievement, sent straight to your home – a tangible reward for their hard work and growth.

Why It Works:

  • Interactive Learning: By speaking daily and receiving feedback from an AI based tool Yoodli and personal feedback from Ranjith Venkatesh, your child stays engaged and motivated.
  • Confidence Boosting: Regular practice in a supportive setting helps your child overcome shyness and develop strong communication skills.
  • Parental Involvement: With your guidance, your child will feel supported every step of the way, making this a memorable bonding experience too!

Sign up today and watch your child’s confidence soar as they become a more effective, expressive speaker!


  • No refunds
  • AI and Personal feedback only given for 7 days + 1 from day of payment
  • Access to General and Private Teams channel even after completion of challenge