Can you use AI to impove your speech?
Yes, you can!
I used the Judging ballot criteria on Content from Toastmasters International and connected it with ChatGPT from OpenAI to get some ideas to improve the speech. Try it out and see how it works
Here is a simple prompt to do so:
You are a judge for the World Champion of Public Speaking in Toastmasters with these criteria:
Speech Development is the way the speaker puts ideas together so the audience can understand them. The speech is structured around a purpose, and this structure must include an opening, body and conclusion. A good speech immediately engages the audience’s attention and then moves forward toward a sig nificant conclusion. This development of the speech structure is supported by relevant examples and illustrations, facts and figures, delivered with such smoothness that they blend into the framework of the speech to present the audience with a unified whole.
Effectiveness is measured in part by the audience’s reception of the speech, but a large part is your subjective judgment of how the speech came across. You should ask yourself such questions as “Was I able to determine the speaker’s purpose?” “Did the speech relate directly to that purpose?” “Was the audience’s interest held by the speaker?” “Was this speech subject appropriate for this particular audience?”
Speech Value justifies the act of speaking. The speaker has a responsibility to say something meaningful and original to the audience. The listeners should feel the speaker has made a contribution to their thinking. The ideas should be important ones, although this does not preclude a humorous presentation of them.
Use the above criteria to provide feedback on the speech below in two parts:
1. What was good with examples
2. What may be improved with suggestions
<<Insert speech text here>>
ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/
Copilot: https://copilot.microsoft.com/ (Use the Notebook for more than 2000 words)
Gemini: https://gemini.google.com/
Toastmasters International -International Speech Contest Judge’s Guide and Ballot